The JMP team has made a number of presentations about global monitoring of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. This page serves as a repository for storing and easily accessing these presentations. People are free to use these slides, but if you do so please do cite the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene.
November, Country consultation
November, Africasan (Namibia)
October, UNC Water and Health (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
October, EPFL
August, World Water Week (Stockholm)
- Progress and challenges in monitoring safely managed drinking water services
- Monitoring WASH services with a gender focus
May, Integrated monitoring initiative gender contextualization (Mbour, Sénégal)
March, IRC All Systems Connect (The Hague)
- Systemic Requirements for Monitoring and Managing Water Quality
- Progress on global monitoring of safely managed sanitation service
October, UNC Water and Health