The WASH in schools International Learning Exchange (WinS ILE) is an annual event that convenes governments and stakeholders from across the region to strengthen commitments to ensuring that all schools have safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services, towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals 4 (quality education) and 6 (water, sanitation and hygiene).

2nd WinS ILE Africa
The 2nd WinS ILE Africa is 7-10 May in Zanzibar. Presentations and other resources are available below. More will be shared throughout the week.
Day 1: Setting the Scene
Day 2: MH side session
- Presentation (en) (fr)
- Global MHH Monitoring Group (2022) Priority list of indicators for girls’ menstrual health and hygiene (en) (fr)
- UNICEF (2020) Guidance for Monitoring Menstrual Health and Hygiene
Day 4: Monitoring side session
- Session handout (en) (fr)
- WHO and UNICEF. 2018. Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in schools in the Sustainable Development Goals
- WHO and UNICEF. 2022. Questions and data tabulation for WASH in Schools (Excel file)
- JMP data submission form (reports, microdata, or summaries can also be sent to
1st WinS ILE Africa
The 1st WinS ILE Africa, held 13-17 March in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, brings together Ministry officials and technical experts working on WASH in schools to exchange practices, information, and materials. The event focuses on the current state of WASH in schools in Africa and what still needs to be done to achieve the SDG targets for WASH in schools under SDGs 4 and 6 by 2030.
The following resources include slides presented by the JMP at the 2023 ILE Africa as well as documents to support improved monitoring of basic WASH in schools:
Is Africa on track to achieve the SDGs?
- Plenary presentation: a summary of the status of WASH in schools in Africa and progress toward achieving the SDGs. (English)
- WHO and UNICEF. 2022. Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: 2000-2021 data update (English) (French)
- Regional snapshot for West and Central Africa (customizable Excel-based charts)
- Regional snapshot for Eastern and Southern Africa (customizable Excel-based charts)
How can we improve monitoring of basic WASH in schools to support informed action and achievement of the SDGs (and beyond)?
- Side event presentation: global recommendations for the collection, analysis, and reporting of WASH in schools data (English) (French)
- WHO and UNICEF. 2022. Questions and data tabulation for WASH in Schools (Excel file)
- WHO and UNICEF. 2018. Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in schools in the Sustainable Development Goals (English) (French)
- WASH in schools methodology (draft November 2021)
Country examples
- Presentation from Zambia (English) (French)
- Presentation from Tanzania (English) (French)
- Presentation from Philippines and Cambodia (English) (French)
9th WinS ILE Asia-Pacific
The 2022 WinS ILE, held 31 August through 21 September, brings together Ministry officials and technical experts working on WASH in schools to exchange practices, information and materials. The event focuses on the current state of WASH in schools in South-Asia, Southeast-Asia and the Pacific and what still needs to be done to achieve the SDG targets for WASH in schools under SDGs 4 and 6 by 2030.
The following resources include slides presented by the JMP at the 2022 ILE as well as documents to support improved monitoring of basic (and inclusive!) WASH in schools:
Is the Asia-Pacific region on track to achieve the SDGs?
- Plenary presentation: a summary of the status of WASH in schools in the Asia-Pacific region and progress toward achieving the SDGs
- WHO and UNICEF. 2022. Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: 2000-2021 data update
- Regional snapshot for the ILE (customizable Excel-based charts)
How can we improve monitoring of basic (and inclusive!) WASH in schools to support informed action and achievement of the SDGs and beyond:
- Side event presentation: global recommendations for the collection, analysis, and reporting of WASH in schools data.
- WHO and UNICEF. 2022. Questions and data tabulation for WASH in Schools (Excel file)
- WHO and UNICEF. 2018. Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in schools in the Sustainable Development Goals
- WASH methodology for WASH in schools (November 2021)
Additional resources on monitoring MHH:
- Global MHH Monitoring Group (2022) Priority list of indicators for girls’ menstrual health and hygiene
- UNICEF (2020) Guidance for Monitoring Menstrual Health and Hygiene
Additional resources on monitoring disability-inclusive WASH:
- JMP 2022 WASH in schools data update: thematic pullout on disability-inclusive WASH services
- UNICEF (2021) MAKE IT COUNT: Guidance on disability inclusive WASH programme data collection, monitoring and reporting
- UNICEF (2016) Guide for Including Disability in Education Management Information Systems
Additional resources on monitoring pandemic preparedness:
- JMP 2022 WASH in schools data update: thematic pullout on pandemic preparedness
- Global WinS Network (2022) WASH in schools in focus: country examples of pandemic preparedness and response through the lens of enabling environment matrix
- Global WinS Network (2020) WASH in schools checklist to manage COVID-19 response
Country examples