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Regional analysis 2021 household update

The JMP produces periodic snapshots to summarize the status of water, sanitation, and hygiene for a given region or group of countries. The snapshots are designed to provide a range of signature JMP charts in a format that is easy to customize and to incorporate into presentations and reports. The snapshots complement the interactive data visualization tools on and include many other charts that are not available on the JMP website. 

The following snapshots were produced based on data published in the report, Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020: five years into the SDGs, and are made for standard groupings such as SDG, WHO and UNICEF regions. Customized regional analyses can be prepared upon request to the JMP team at These snapshots supersede earlier snapshots produced in 2019 and 2017.

Regional snapshots and highlights documents produced by WHO and UNICEF regional offices, which draw on JMP data on WASH in households, schools, health care facilities, as well as other sources such as the GLAAS initiative, are also shown below.

Sustainable Development Goal Regions

Other Regional Groupings

Income Groupings

WHO Regions

UNICEF Programme Regions

UNICEF Reporting Regions

M49 Regions

M49 Sub Regions